TaoTronics TT-BH07 headphones are incredible to use because of their sound quality. But due to being a different brand, some of their features are unique and different from other accessories. TaoTronics headphone’s Bluetooth pairing procedure can be tricky for some, so we have made a step-by-step manual for you to follow.

How to Pair TaoTronics TT-BH07 Bluetooth Headphone?

Pairing TaoTronics TT-BH07 to your phone is not difficult but merely different. Here is how you can pair your TaoTronics Bluetooth headphone to your mobile or other devices:

  1. Make sure that the distance between the TaoTronics TT-BH07 headphones and the other Bluetooth device is small. The standard or optimum distance is 3 feet or less.
  2. When pairing for the first time, you need to hold down the multifunction button (located in the middle) for about 3 to 5 seconds. Release the button when the headphones start flashing red and blue lights. Red and Blue lights indicate that the headphones are in pairing mode.
  3. Now turn on the Bluetooth of the device you want to pair.
  4. Scan for new devices in the Bluetooth section until you find your headphones. The TaoTronics headphones should be named “TaoTronics TT-BH07.” If your device asks for a password, then input “0000” or “8888.” If the TT-BH07 light stays solid blue, then that means your headphones are successfully connected.

You do not need to go through the above process again and again for the same device. Your TaoTronics Bluetooth Headphones can remember the last paired device and will automatically connect to it.

What to do if the Headphone Can’t Pair with the Bluetooth Device?

If your Bluetooth Headphones pair with Bluetooth device is unsuccessful, you can try clearing the saved paired devices. How to clear pairing history:

  1. Turn on the Bluetooth Headphones. Put them into pairing mode by holding down the multifunction button (located in the middle) for about 3 to 5 seconds. Release the button when the headphones start flashing red and blue lights.
  2. Press and hold the Volume + / – buttons for almost 7 seconds. Release the volume buttons when the light flashes purple once, and you should hear two beeps with it as well.

Follow the same steps mentioned above in the “How to Pair TaoTronics TT-BH07 Bluetooth Headphone?” section.

How to Active the ANC Function of TaoTronics ANC Bluetooth Headphone?

To unlock the noise cancellation function, switch the ANC button from OFF to ANC.

How to pair TaoTronics TT-BH07 to Mac?

Make sure you first have Bluetooth functions on your computer. In this case, a Mac. Don’t worry if you do not know how to check if your Mac has Bluetooth features, as it will be included in the instructions below. However, you won’t be able to pair TaoTronics TT-BH07 with Mac if it doesn’t have the Bluetooth feature. You would need to use another way to connect your Headphones to Mac by using cables.

We now have to activate the Bluetooth, and this can be achieved easily if you press it and choose it to be turned on in the Apple menu. If you cannot find the Bluetooth option in the menu bar, you can choose Bluetooth in the “Display Bluetooth in the menu bar” from the Apple menu > Device Settings.

Now Bluetooth’s on, what to do now? 

The TaoTronics headphones have to be turned on. But an important point to remember is that the headphones should not be already paired with any device before paring with Mac. If this is the first time pairing your headphones, then no problem should exist because the Bluetooth is not connected to any device. Only if your headphones are not connected with another device, they will pair to your Mac. 

How to check if Mac has Bluetooth?

If your headphones are not pairing, check if they are already connected to a nearby Bluetooth device like your mobile phone. If not, then you can clear the saved paired device list of your headphones.

The first step is to ensure that your Mac desktop or laptop running Catalina is booted before you even turn on your TaoTronics TT-BH07 or other headphones. Check if your Mac has Bluetooth using any of the mentioned ways:

  • Look at the menu bar, and if you can see a Bluetooth icon that means it has Bluetooth capability.
  • From the Apple menu, click on “System Preferences” and then “Bluetooth”. If Bluetooth preferences grant you the option to enable your Bluetooth and make your device discoverable, your device has Bluetooth.
  • Choose “About this Mac” from the Apple menu and then click on “More information.” Then from the Hardware portion, select Bluetooth. After selecting Bluetooth, nothing happens then means Bluetooth functionality is unavailable. However, if a bunch of information is displayed, then your system has Bluetooth.
? How to Pair TaoTronics TT-BH07 Bluetooth Headphone?

Make sure that the distance between the TaoTronics TT-BH07 headphones and …

? What to do if the Headphone Can’t Pair with the Bluetooth Device?

Turn on the Bluetooth Headphones. Put them into pairing mode by holding …

? How to pair TaoTronics TT-BH07 to Mac?

We now have to activate the Bluetooth, and this can be achieved easily if you press it …






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