Are the strings of your guitar loose and you want to replace them? There may be other reasons of cutting them; you may be eager to replace the strings to have new experiences; you may have the problems with the worn-out strings; you may have an intention of changing the gauge of the guitar. Replacing and cutting them is not a big deal, but you must be familiar with the techniques of cutting these strings.

How to Cut the Strings of Guitar? Explained

If you are new and unfamiliar with addressing such issues of cutting them properly, you may lose the beauty of the tune of your guitar. If you have any reason for cutting them, you must be careful of using the proper tools because a slight miss can make you pay through the nose.

If you want to know an appropriate way of cutting the strings, don’t worry; we will guide you in cutting the strings of the guitar. Below is the proper description of the method you should go with to cut the strings of a guitar.

Check this comprehensive guide:

Best Acoustic Guitar Strings for Warm Sound


Proper Tools

There is a specific method of doing certain things. You should be equipped with the relevant tools to perform any task. Using these tools, you will be able to do effective changes. Your tools will help you save the possible damages to your guitar. For cutting the strings of the guitar, you should use the tools mentioned below.

  • Wirecutter
  • Guitar string winder
  • Microfiber cloth

The tools, as mentioned above, will help cut the strings. It will help you carry the process of cutting the wires smoothly as it will curb you from the worries of the possible damage. After you avail these tools, you must follow the steps illustrated below:

Step 1

Be heedful while cutting the strings! Do not go crazy! Your haste can be lethal for you. The guitar will be with tight strings. Do not go for direct cutting. First, loosen it and then proceed further. The tightened strings, when cut, will flick the strings that can injure you with the potential energy stored in them.  Do not cut the strings when these strings are tuned. 

Step 2

When you loosen the strings, you can cut them now. Don’t cut the strings near the bridge and nut. Share edge in this way can be devastating for you. Trouble will be there for you when you try to remove the strings cut near the bridge and nut.

Use the wire cutter to cut them somewhere near the soundhole it will bring ease for you to remove the strings. If you want to remove a single string follow the instruction mentioned earlier. If you desire to remove the set of strings, follow the next step.

Step 3

The expert advice is that two strings at a time should be cut. If you try to cut all strings at a time, you may have intimidating results. If you cut or try to remove the strings at once, the wood of your guitar will be warped, and you will be left bewildered and downcast. Cut and remove two strings at a time! It would be best if you used cotton balls soaked in lemon oil to clean the fretboard. 

Step 4

You should pay attention to the notch at the bottom of the string winder. It is used to remove bridge pins. Remove the bridge pins, and you will be able to dispose and coil the remains of the guitar strings. If you are desirous of the good health of your machine head, uncoil the strings attached to the tuner manually. It will not allow the wasting of the health of the machine head.

After this, you are advised to insert the ball end of your strings. When the process of cutting the unwanted or worn out strings is complete, settle the new strings giving you access to use your guitar in the same fashion as it was before the cutting the strings.

When all the adjustments are made out, you will find a bit of difficulty in maintaining the tune of your strings. Don’t worry about that! It will take some adjustment, and in the end, you will be successful in tuning the newly inserted strings. 


The guitar strings can be cut easily and effectively following the steps mentioned above. Following those as mentioned earlier, you will be successful in attaining the desired changes. The damages will not be there. A person does not know cutting the wire can do some collateral damages to the guitar, and it can cost heavily.

These simple step will ensure the safety of your device. The injuries that can be inflicted to you because of the heedlessness will be avoided. These steps are in either respect viably prolific. Come on the heels of these steps, and you will get the desired results without any difficulty and worries. 

? Proper Tools

There is a specific method of doing certain things. You should be equipped with the relevant tools to perform any task…

? Step 1

The guitar will be with tight strings. Do not go for direct cutting…

? Step 2

Don’t cut the strings near the bridge and nut. Share edge in this way…






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